Chercheuse ou chercheur

    Abolfazl Mohebbi , Ph.D.
    Abolfazl Mohebbi
    Axe de recherche
    Santé musculosquelettique, réadaptation et technologies médicales

    (514) 340-4711, poste 3939

    (514) 340-5170

    Sur le Web


    • Professeur adjoint en génie biomédical, Département de génie mécanique, Polytechnique Montréal, 2020
    • Titulaire, Chaire de recherche en technologies d'assistance et de réadaptation, Institut TransMedTech, 2020



    POLAR (Laboratoire Polytechnique des technologies d'Assistance et de Réadaptation)


    • Postdoctorat (2019-2020) en génie biomédical, Université Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, É.-U
    • Postdoctorat (2017-2019) en génie biomédical, Université McGill/Polytechnique Montréal, Québec, Canada
    • Doctorat (2013-2017) en génie mécanique, Polytechnique Montréal, Québec, Canada
    • Maîtrise (2010-2013) en génie mécanique, Université Concordia, Montréal, Québec, Canada
    • Baccalauréat (2004-2009) en génie mécanique, Université de Technologie d’Isfahan (IUT), Isfahan, Iran

    Intérêts de recherche

    • Contrôle et réadaptation neuromusculaire, équilibre humain et contrôle postural
    • Biomécatronique : dispositifs et capteurs portables, prothèses, orthèses et exosquelettes mécatroniques.
    • Robotique médicale et d'assistance
    • Intelligence artificielle appliquée : réseaux de neurones profonds pour l'imagerie médicale, l'identification des systèmes et le diagnostic.

    Expertises de recherche

    • Contrôle neuromusculaire
    • Identification des systèmes biologique
    • Biomécatronique
    • Robotique médicale
    • Chirurgie robotisée
    • Exosquelettes des membres supérieurs et inférieurs
    • Réalité virtuelle
    • Intelligence artificielle

    Prix et distinctions

    • MITACS Globalink Postdoctoral Scholarship, Quebec, Canada, 2019
    • FRQNT Postdoctoral Fellowship, Quebec, Canada, 2019
    • NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canada, 2018
    • TransMedTech Inst. Postdoctoral Scholarship, Polytechnique Montreal, 2018
    • Biomedical Engineering Postdoctoral Fellowship, McGill University, 2017
    • Best Paper Award - Int'l Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2017), 2017
    • GRSTB Research Fellowship - Polytechnique Montreal, 2016
    • NSERC Engage Grant - Polytechnique Montreal, 2016
    • Student Delegates Award - 2015 CCToMM Symposium on Mechatronics, 2015
    • Doctoral Differential Fee Remission Award - Polytechnique Montreal, 2013
    • Doctoral Fellowship and Graduate Excellence Award - York University, 2012
    • Doctoral Tuition Remission Award - Concordia University, 2012


    • “Study of Visual System Contributions to Human Upright Stance”, Symposium of Biological and Biomedical Engineering Societ, McGill University, 2019.
    • “Dynamics of Vision in Human Upright Stance”, World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2018), Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
    • ”A Fuzzy-based Approach Towards Conceptual Design Improvements for Mechatronic Systems,” in CCToMM Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (M3) Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2017.
    • ”Integrated structure-control design optimization of an unmanned quadrotor helicopter (UGH) for object grasping and manipulation,” in DS 87-4 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 4: Design Methods and Tools, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08. 2017, 2017.
    • ”Applying robust design methodology to a quadrotor drone,” in DS 87-4 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 4: Design Methods and Tools, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08. 2017, 2017.


    1. P. Amiri, A. Mohebbi, R.E. Kearney, ”Experimental Methods to Study Human Postural Control.” Journal of Visualized Experiments (2019), ISSN: 1940-087X, LCCN: 2007216071, OCLC: 122906325.
    2. A. Mohebbi, P. Amiri, R.E. Kearney, M. Raison, ”Study of Vision Contributions to Human Upright Stance using a Virtual Reality-based Approach”, Under publication, Journal of Neurophysiology (2019), American Physiological Society.
    3. A. Mohebbi, P. Amiri, R.E. Kearney, ”Design of Visual Inputs for the Study of Vision Contributions to Human Postural Control”, Under publication, Journal of Frontiers in Neurology (2019), Frontiers Media SA.
    4. A. Mohebbi, P. Amiri, R.E. Kearney, ”Experimental Considerations in the Study of Vision Contributions to Human Postural Control: A Virtual Reality-based Approach”, Under publication, Journal of Human Movement Science (2019), RELX Elsevier Publishing.
    5. A. Mohebbi, S. Achiche and L. Baron, ”Integrated and concurrent detailed design of a mechatronic quadrotor system using a fuzzy-based particle swarm optimization.” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2019),
    6. A. Mohebbi, S. Achiche, and L. Baron. ”Multi-criteria fuzzy decision support for conceptual evaluation in design of mechatronic systems: a quadrotor design case study.” Research in Engineering Design 29.3 (2018): 329-349.
    7. A. Mohebbi, S. Achiche, and L. Baron, ”A Fuzzy-based framework to support concurrent and multicriteria design of mechatronic systems,” Submitted to Elsevier Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2018.

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