Chercheuse ou chercheur

    Linda Booij , Ph.D.
    Linda Booij
    Axe de recherche
    Cerveau et développement de l’enfant
    Thème de recherche
    Développement des psychopathologies
    CHUSJ - Centre de Recherche

    514 345-4931 4041

    514 345-2176


    • Professeure agrégée et Chaire de recherche universitaire en troubles alimentaires, Département de psychologie, Université Concordia
    • Professeure associée, Département de psychiatrie et d'addictologie, Université de Montréal
    • Professeure associée, Département de psychiatrie, Université McGill


    • Stagiaire postdoctorale, Département de psychiatrie, Université McGill, 2005-2009
    • Ph.D. en psychologie clinique, Université de Leiden, Pays-Bas, 2001-2005
    • Maîtrise en méthodologie et statistiques de recherche, Université de Leiden, 1996-2001
    • Maîtrise en psychologie clinique, Université de Leiden, 1997-2000

    Intérêts de recherche

    Mon programme de recherche porte sur les mécanismes neurobiologiques de psychopathologies. Dans le cadre de mes recherches actuelles, j’étudie l’impact de l’adversité vécue en bas âge sur le développement du cerveau et les processus épigénétiques, ainsi que sur le risque de développer des troubles psychologiques, particulièrement des troubles alimentaires.

    La méthodologie de recherche que j'utilise s'appuie sur une combinaison d'approches épidémiologiques et d'études expérimentales (neuro-imagerie IRMf, TEP, génétique, épigénétique, mesures comportementales et cognitives).

    Prix et distinctions

    • Chaire de recherche universitaire en troubles alimentaires, Université Concordia, 2019-2024
    • Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé, Chercheur boursier senior, 2019-2023
    • NARSAD- Brain & Behavior Research Foundation – Prix du chercheur indépendant, 2017-2021
    • Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, Bourse salariale pour nouveau chercheur, 2014-2018
    • Collège canadien de neuropsychopharmacologie, Prix du jeune chercheur, 2013
    • NARSAD- Brain & Behavior Research Foundation – Prix du nouveau chercheur, 2013-2015
    • Prix Monique-Gaumond pour jeunes chercheurs travaillant sur le thème de la dépression, 2011
    • Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé, Chercheur boursier Junior 1, 2011-2015


    • Evidence for epigenetic regulation at DNA Loci implicated in risk for Anorexia Nervosa. International Conference for Eating Disorders (virtual conference), Juin 2021.
    • DNA methylation in monozygotic twins: a longitududinal examination from birth until the preschool age. Congress of International Society for Twin Studies (virtual conference), Juillet 2021.
    • Relevance of peripheral DNA methylation measures for human brain development and psychopathology. Annual Research Day, Quebec Brain Imaging Network, Montreal, Février 2020.
    • The role of the early environment on brain development: Epigenetic mechanisms and relevance for mental health. Queen’s centre for neurosciences, Kingston, Février 2020.
    • Neurobiology of eating disorders. University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands, Décembre 2019.
    • Multidisciplinary research in child development and mental health: Research methods and challenges. Workshop at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, Décembre 2019.
    • Genetic and environmental contributions to eating disorders. Escola de Medicina, Vitória, Brazil, June 2019.
    • Eating Disorders. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, Mai 2019.


    • Breton, É. & Booij, L. (2021). Du cerveau à l’assiette : Coup d’œil sur les troubles alimentaires. Revue Québecoise, accepté.
    • Azar, N., Booij, L., Muckle, G., Arbuckle, T. E., Séguin, J. R., Asztalos, E., Fraser, W.D. Lanphear, B. Bouchard, M. F. (2021). Prenatal exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and cognitive ability in early childhood. Environment International, 146, 106296.
    • Kirkpatrick, R., Munoz, D. Khalid-Khan, S., & Booij, L. (2020). Methodological and clinical challenges associated with biomarkers for psychiatric disease: A scoping review. Journal of Psychiatric Research, S0022-3956(20)31082–7.
    • Hayward, D.A., Pomares, F.B., Casey, K., Ismaylova, E., Levesque, M., Greenlaw, K., Vitaro, F., Brendgen, M., Dionne, G., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R.E., & Booij, L. (2020). Birth weight is associated with adolescent brain development: a multi-modal imaging study in monozygotic twins. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 5228–5239.
    • Sansfaçon, J.**, Booij, L.**, Gauvin, L., Fletcher, F., Islam, F., Israel, M., & Steiger, H. (2020) Pre-treatment motivation and therapy outcomes in eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis.  International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53, 1879–1900. **SHARED first authorship
    • Booij, L. & Steiger, H. (2020). Applying epigenetic science to the understanding of eating disorders: A promising paradigm for research and practice. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 33, 515–520.
    • Da Estrela, C., McGrath, J., Booij, L., & Gouin, J-P. (2020). Heart rate variability, sleep quality, and depression in the context of chronic stress. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Jun 11.
    • Steiger, H.**, & Booij, L.** (2020). Eating disorders, heredity and environmental activation: Getting epigenetic concepts into practice. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9, 1332. **SHARED first authorship
    • Burdo, J., Booij, L., Kahan, E., Thaler, L., Israel, M., Agellon, L.B., Nitschmann, E., Wykes, L., & Steiger, H. (2020). Plasma levels of one-carbon metabolism pathway nutrients in women with Anorexia Nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53, 1534–1538.
    • Chiarella, J., Schumann, L., Pomares, F.B., Frodl, T., Tozzi, L., Nemoda, Z., Yu, P., Szyf, M., Khalid-Khan, S., & Booij, L. (2020). DNA methylation differences in stress-related genes, functional connectivity and gray matter volume in depressed and healthy adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 271, 160–168.
    • Scardera, S., Sacco, S., Di Sante, J., & Booij, L. (2020). Body image-related cognitive fusion: Role of disordered eating, self-compassion and sad mood. Eating and Weight Disorders, Feb 21.
    • Arias, J., Williams, C., Raghvani, R., Aghajani, M., Baez, S., Belzung, C., Booij, L., Busatto, G., Chiarella, J., Fu, C., Ibanez, A., Liddell, B., Lowe, L., Penninx, B., Rosa, P., & Kemp, A. (2020). The neuroscience of sadness: A multidisciplinary synthesis and collaborative review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 111,199–228.
    • Thaler, L., Brassard, S., Booij, L., Kahan, E., McGregor, K., Labbe, A., Israel, M., & Steiger, H. (2020). Methylation of the OXTR gene in women with Anorexia Nervosa: Relationship to social behavior. European Eating Disorders Review, 28, 79–86.
    • Brietzke, E., Booij, L., Wieck, A., Soares, C. N., Roberts, N., & Khalid-Khan, S. (2020). A discussion of potential clinical markers predicting anti-inflammatory treatment response in individuals with major depression. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 83, 3–4.
    • Gouin, J-P., Wrosch, C., McGrath, J., & Booij, L. (2020). Interpersonal capitalization moderates the associations of chronic caregiving stress and depression with inflammation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 112.
    • Gouin, J-P., Paquin, C., Wrosch, C., McGrath, J., Arbour, N., & Booij, L. (2020). Marital quality and inflammation: the moderating role of early life adversity. Health Psychology, 39, 58–67.
    • Dos Santos, R.R.G., Forte, G.C., Mundstock, E., Amaral, M.A., Goecks, S., da Silveira, C.G., Amantéa, F.C., Variani, J.F., Booij, L., & Mattiello, R. (2020). Body composition parameters can better predict body image dissatisfaction than body mass index in Brazilian children and adolescents. Eating and Weight Disorders, 25, 1197–1203.
    • Booij, L. (2019). Genetic and epigenetic regulation of CRTC1 in human eating behaviour and fat distribution: Methodological and clinical insights and considerations. EBioMedicine,45, 15–16.
    • Sild, M., & Booij, L. (2019). Histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) – a new player in anorexia nervosa? Molecular Psychiatry, 24, 1425–1434.
    • Kirkpatrick, R., Booij, L. Vance, A., Marshall, B., Kanellos-Sutton, M., Marchand, P., & Khalid-Khan, S. (2019). Eating disorders and substance use in adolescents: How substance users differ from non-substance users in an outpatient eating disorders treatment clinic. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 52, 175–182.
    • Steiger, H.**, Booij, L.**, Kahan, E., McGregor, K., Thaler, L., Labbe, A., Joober, R., Israël, M., Szyf, M., Agellon, L., Fletcher, E., Gauvin, L., St-Hilaire, A., & Rossi, E. (2019). A longitudinal, epigenome wide study of DNA methylation in Anorexia Nervosa: Results in actively ill, partially weight restored, long-term remitted, and non-eating-disordered women. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 44, 1–9. **SHARED first authorship
    • McIver, T., Bosma, R., Goegan, S., Sandre, A., Klassen, J., Chiarella, J., Booij, L., & Craig, W. (2019). Functional connectivity across social inclusion and exclusion is related to peer victimization and depressive symptoms in young adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 253, 366–375.
    • Van den Heuvel, M., Scholtens, M., Van der Burgh, H., Agosta, F., Alloa, C., Avancini, T., Baron-Cohen, S., Basaia, S., Beyer, F., Booij, L., ....,......, Zhang, R., & De Lange, S. (2019). 10Kin1 day: A bottom-up neuroimaging initiative. Frontiers in Neurology, 10, 425.
    • Nguyen, T-V., Jones, S.L., Gower, T., Albaugh, M.D., Botteron, K.N., Hudziak, J.J., Fonov, V.S., Campbell, B.C., Booij, L., Herba, C.M., Monnier, P., Ducharme, S., Waber, D., & McCracken, J.T. (2019). Age-specific associations between oestradiol, cortico-amygdalar structural covariance, and verbal and spatial skills. J Neuroendocrinology, 31, e12698.
    • Farooqi, N.A.I, Scotti, M., Yu, A., Lew, J., Monnier, P., Botteron, K., Campbell, B.C., Booij, L., Herba, C., Seguin, J.R., Castellanos-Ryan, N., McCracken, J.T., & Nguyen, T-V. (2019). Sex-specific contribution of DHEA-Cortisol ratio to prefrontal-hippocampal structural development, cognitive abilities and personality traits. Journal of Endocrinology, 31, e12682.

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