Chercheuse ou chercheur

    Catherine Laporte , Ing. , Ph.D.
    Axe de recherche
    Santé musculosquelettique, réadaptation et technologies médicales
    Thème de recherche
    Développement des technologies diagnostiques, pronostics et nouvelles approches thérapeutiques

    (514) 396-8895

    Sur le Web


    Professeure, École de technologie supérieure


    • PhD., Université McGill, 2010
    • M.Eng., Université McGill, 2004
    • B. Ing., École Polytechnique de Montréal, 2001

    Expertises de recherche

    • Vision par ordinateur
    • Imagerie médicale
    • Échographie
    • Intelligence artificielle
    • Algorithmes d'apprentissage
    • Interfaces humain-machine

    Sommaire de carrière

    Catherine Laporte est professeure au département de génie électrique de l'ÉTS depuis 2010 et chercheure associée au Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine depuis 2012.  Elle est responsable du Laboratoire de traitement de l'information en santé (LATIS) de l'ÉTS.  Son programme de recherche a pour but de développer des technologies innovantes permettant d'améliorer l'utilisabilité de l'échographie pour de nouveaux utilisateurs et de nouvelles applications, notamment en orthopédie et en sciences de la parole.


    • Aalto, E., Yoshida, M., Ménard, L., Cardoso, W., and Laporte, C. (2024) Effect of an ultrasound biofeedback session on maximal tongue movements.  International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France.
    • Li, S., Gauthier, L., Cheriet, F., Fortin, C., Paquette, P., and Laporte, C. (2023) Lamina landmark detection in ultrasound images: a preliminary study. SPIE Medical Imaging, virtual.
    • Olivier, D., McGuffin, M.J., and Laporte, C. (2023). Utilizing sonographer visual attention for probe movement guidance in cardiac point-of-care ultrasound. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
    • Marcoux, I., Ménard, L., and Laporte, C. (2022) Usability of ultrasound tongue imaging devices in speech-language pathology. 182nd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Denver, U.S.A.
    • Naga Karthik, E.M.V., Laporte, C., and Cheriet, F. (2021). Three-dimensional segmentation of the scoliotic spine from MRI using unsupervised volume-based MR-CT synthesis. SPIE Medical Imaging, virtual. 


    • Li, S., Cheriet, F., Gauthier, L., and Laporte, C. (2024). Automatic 3D Lamina Curve Extraction from Freehand 3D Ultrasound Data using Sequential Localization Recurrent Convolutional Networks. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control.
    • Dahmani, J., Laporte, C., and Petit, Y. (2023). Quantitative validation of two model-based methods for the correction of probe pressure deformation in ultrasound. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
    • Naga Karthik, E.M.V, Cheriet, F., and Laporte, C. (2023). Uncertainty Estimation in Unsupervised MR-CT Synthesis of Scoliotic Spines. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology.
    • Ning, B., Londono, I., Laporte, C., and Villemure, I. (2021) Validation of an in vivo micro-CT-based method to quantify longitudinal bone growth of pubertal rats. Bone 154 :116207.
    • Naga Karthik, E.M.V., Karimi, E., Lulich, S. M., and Laporte, C. (2020) Automatic tongue surface extraction from 3D ultrasound vocal tract images. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America 147(3):1623-1633.
    • Dahmani,J., Laporte,C., Pereira,D., Bélanger,P. and Petit,Y.(2020) Predictive model for designing soft-tissue mimicking ultrasound phantoms with adjustable elasticity. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 67(4) :715-726.
    • Brignol, A., Gueziri, H.-E., Cheriet, F., Collins, D. L., and Laporte, C. (2020) Automatic extraction of vertebral landmarks from US images: a pilot study. Computers in Biology and Medicine 122:103838.
    • Karimi, E., Ménard, L., and Laporte, C. (2019) Fully-automated tongue detection in ultrasound images. Computers in Biology and Medicine 111 :103335.
    • Laporte C., and Ménard L. (2018). Multi-hypothesis tracking of the tongue surface in ultrasound video recordings of normal and impaired speech. Medical Image Analysis 44: 98-114.
    • Gueziri, H.-E.*, McGuffin, M. J. and Laporte, C. (2018). Latency management in scribble-based in- teractive segmentation of medical images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 65(5) :1140-1150. 

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