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Zabeida A, Lacroix J, Lapointe A, Lachance C, Cournoyer A, Villeneuve A. Platelet Transfusion Practices in Neonatology: A Single-Center Observational Study. International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology (IJBTI), 2022; 12:100072Z02AZ2022
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Joharifard S, Trudeau MO, Miyata S, Malo J, Bouchard S, Beaunoyer M, Brocks R, Lemoine C, Villeneuve A. Implementing a standardized gastroschisis protocol significantly increases the rate of primary sutureless closure without compromising closure success or early clinical outcomes. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2022, 57(1) :12-17
Miyata S, Joharifard S, O’Neil Trudeau M, Villeneuve A, Bouchard S. Tu-be or Not Tu-be? Is routine endotracheal intubation necessary for successful bedside reduction and primary closure of gastroschisis? Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2022 57(3):350-355.
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Hébert A, Drolet C, Altit G, Villeneuve A, Lapointe A, Bensouda B, Giesinger RE, McNamara PJ. Management of chronic pulmonary hypertension in neonates with bronchopulmonary dysplasia: perspectives of neonatologists with hemodynamic expertise and pediatric cardiologists. J Perinatol. 2020 Aug 16
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Villeneuve A, Bigras JL, Lachance C, Bérubé D, Lapointe A, Moussa A. Echocardiographic right ventricular pressure ratio correlates with prelonged oxygen therapy in patients with moderate to severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Annals of Pediatrics and Child Health. 2015; 3(9)