Chercheuse ou chercheur

    Valérie Marchand , M.D. , FRCPC , CSPQ , LMCC
    Axe de recherche
    Santé métabolique et cardiovasculaire
    Thème de recherche
    Maladies gastro-intestinales et hépatiques de l'enfant

    514 345-4931 poste 3562


    • Professeure agrégée, département de pédiatrie, Université de Montréal
    • Chercheuse associée, Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine


    • Fellowship Nutrition Pédiatrique, Medical University of South Carolina (1999)
    • Résidence en gastroentérologie pédiatrique, Université de Montréal (1995)
    • Résidence en pédiatrie, Université de Montréal (1994)
    • M.D., Université de Sherbrooke, Québec (1990)

    Expertises de recherche

    • Défaillance intestinale
    • Malformations digestives
    • Nutrition chez les patientes et patients avec encéphalopathie
    • Troubles alimentaires du jeune enfant

    Sommaire de carrière


    Nutrition VM

    Prix et distinctions

    • 2008 : Best Doctors of Canada
    • 2016 : Prix d'excellence clinique du département de pédiatrie, CHU Sainte-Justine


    • Marchand V. Can real food-based nutrition improve tolerance in children on enteral nutrition? ESPGHAN Annual Meeting, Vienna, Mai 2023
    • Marchand V, Vachon M. The 3 Fs of Pediatric Malnutrition: Find, Feed and Follow. CPS Annual Conference. Mai 2022
    • Marchand V. Malnutrition chez le patient hospitalisé: Détection, Prévention, Prise en charge. Grand Rounds Pédiatrie, CHU Ste-Justine 2022
    • Marchand V. Malnutrition in Hospitalized Children: Screening, Treatment & Prevention. Grand Rounds Pédiatrie. St-John Terre-Neuve. Septembre 2022
    • Marchand, V Hulst J. Identifying malnutrition in the children I care for. Canadian Pediatric Society – Virtual Conference. Juin 2021


    • Huysentruyt K, Brunet-Wood K, Bandsma R, Gramlich L, Fleming-Carroll B, Hotson B, Byers R, Lovelace H, Persad R, Kalnins D, Martinez A, Marchand V, Vachon M, Hulst JM, On Behalf Of The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force-Pediatric Working Group. Canadian Nationwide Survey on Pediatric Malnutrition Management in Tertiary Hospitals. Nutrients. 2021 Jul 30;13(8):2635.
    • Bélanger V, Mccarthy A, Marcil V, Marchand V, Boctor DL, Rashid M, Noble A, Avinashi, V, Davidson B, Groleau V, Spahis S, Levy E. Assessment of Malnutrition Risk in Canadian Pediatric Hospitals: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. J Pediatr 2019; 205 : 160-7.
    • McCarthy A, Delvin E, Marcil V, Belanger V, Marchand V, Boctor D, Rashid M, Noble A, Davidson B, Groleau V, Spahis S, Roy CC, Levy E. Prevalence of Malnutrition in Pediatric Hospitals in Developed and In-Transition Countries: The Impact of Hospital Practices. Nutrients 2019 (11) 236.
    • Diamond I, Grant RC, Marchand V et al. Preventing the Progression of Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease in Infants Using a Composite Lipid Emulsion: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of SMOFlipid. J Parent Ent Nutr, 2016.
    • Bilkhoo HK, Ducruet T, Marchand V et al. Revisiting Pathological Criteria for Earlier Diagnosis of Coeliac Disease. J Pediatr  Gastroenterol Nutr, 2016; 62(5):734-8.
    • Fernandez I, Patey N, Marchand V et al, Multiple Intestinal Atresia with Combined Immune Deficiency Related to TTC7A Defect Is a Multiorgan Pathology, Study of a French Canadian-Based Cohort. Medicine, 2014. 93 (29) e327.
    • Marchand V. Probiotics as a dietary supplement in the pediatric population, a statement by the nutrition committee of the Canadian Pediatric Society. Paediatr Child Health 2012; 17 (10): 575.
    • D Secker, C Armistead, L Corby, M de Groh, V Marchand, LL Rourke, E Misskey, Canadian Paediatric Society/Société Canadienne de Pédiatrie, Adolescent Health Committee/Comité de la santé de l'adolescent Promoting optimal monitoring of child growth in Canada: Using the new World Health Organization growth charts - Executive Summary. Paediatr Child Health, 2010; 15: 77-83.
    • Marchand V. Nutrition in neurologically impaired children, a statement by the Nutrition and Gastroenterology Committee of the Canadian Pediatric Society. Paediatr Child Health 2009; 14: 395-402.
    • Marchand V, Motil KJ. Medical Position Paper, Nutrition Support for Neurologically Impaired Children: A Clinical Report of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2006;43:123-135.

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